What's On

This page provides information on all planned worship services and meetings, along with the speakers who by God's grace will be preaching and teaching from the scriptures.

You are invited to attend and join in any of these meetings and we also ask that you would pray God's blessing on both the meetings and the speakers.

If you are visiting us for the first time, please see our Visitors' Page for information about what you can expect.

Special Events and Notable Dates

25th March Church Members' Meeting - March
29-30th March Start of British Summer Time Clocks Forward
30th March Mothering Sunday
13th April Palm Sunday
17th April Maunday Thursday
18th April Good Friday
20th April Easter Sunday 10:15am Communion
21st April Easter Monday Bank Holiday
Easter to Early July Second Bible Study Series
4th May Sunday School Anniversary
5th May Early May Bank Holiday
26th May Spring Bank Holiday
27th May Church Members' Meeting Appointment of Elders
29th May Ascension Day (Thursday)
8th June Pentecost/ Whit Sunday
15th June Fathers' Day
24th June Annual Church Members' Meeting Starting with Communion
25-27th July Connexion Annual Meeting Mercure Hotel - Haydock
25th August Summer Bank Holiday
26th August Church Members' Meeting - August
September to December Third Bible Study Series
21st September Harvest Thanksgiving
23rd September Church Members' Meeting Appointment of Deacons
12th October Women's Day
25-26th October End of British Summer Time Clocks Backward
28th October Church Members' Meeting - October
2nd November Church Anniversary 10:15am Communion
9th November Remembrance Sunday
23rd November Church Members' Meeting - November
30th November First Sunday of Advent
21st December Nativity & Carol Service
25th December Christmas Day (Thursday)
31st December New Year's Eve (Wednesday)

Sunday Services + Special Days

See more information about our Sunday Services

Each month, we meet on Sunday evenings at 6:00 pm for:

  • Communion on Second Sunday of the month
  • Prayer Time on Fourth Sunday of the month


Morning - 11:00

Evening - 6:00

16th March Chris Ormerod
23rd March Joe Kirby
30th March Joy Higham
(All Ages Service)
Mothering Sunday
6th April Eunice Bridge
13th April Harold Heath
18th April Ray Tate Good Friday
20th April Ray Tate Easter Sunday
Morning Communion
27th April Ian Delooze
4th May TBA Sunday School Anniversary
11th May Stuart Hunter
18th May Ken McDermott
25th May Nolan Bradshaw
1st June Sally Yarwood
8th June Norman Higham
15th June David Lawrinson
22nd June Andy McDade
29th June Joy Higham
(Communion Service)

Ladies Meetings

Ladies Meetings are held each alternate Wednesday afternoon at 1:45pm.

See more information about our Ladies Meetings

Date Activity
12th March Cath and Alan
28th March Marie Harrison
9th April Marion Kerry Passover
23rd April Pauline Smith Bethel
7th May Carol Rudge
21st May Sally Yarwood
4th June TBA
18th June John Stayley Asia Link
2nd July Chris Ormerod
16th July Meal

Men's Meetings

Men meet every Saturday morning for prayer from 8:00.am to 8:45am.

See more information about our Men's Meetings

Date Activity Detail

Bible Studies & Training Courses

See more information about our Bible Study Meetings

Date Time Topic Speaker

Prayer Meetings

Prayer Meetings are held in Housegroups at various days and times throughout each month

See the weekly notice sheet for details of this week's times and places

See more information about our Prayer Meetings