If You Are Visiting Us
Who are we?
We are ordinary people, men and women, young and old who enjoy each other’s company and worshipping God together.
What to expect

On a typical Sunday morning, we spend about half an hour worshipping God, which includes singing a selection of modern songs and traditional hymns, a short time of prayer led from the front and an appropriate passage from the bible.
Following the worship, children leave for their own meeting, though they are free to stay with their parents if they prefer. We then have a talk based on the bible passage that is relevant to our modern life and the typical issues we all face.
In all our meetings our aim is to be relevant to as many people as possible, regardless of your background or circumstances.
What we believe
As an Independent Methodist Church, we are part of a mainline Christian denomination and have close relationships with churches of other traditions in the immediate area such as Baptist, Church of England, Free Evangelical and others.
In common with these other churches, we believe that a right relationship with God is essential for living life to the full and that includes having right relationships with everyone else.
You can find a simplified Statement of Belief and our Vision Statement on the What We Believe page.
What to wear
We don’t expect any specific dress code. You will find most people simply choose something comfortable, clean, smart and appropriate for the weather. We don’t expect anyone to dress up and try to appear as someone they are not.
What about the Rest of the Week?
Having a relationship with God is more than coming to church on a Sunday and we have other opportunities throughout the week to encourage and inform people.
Since these tend to be smaller gatherings, they are an excellent opportunity for getting to know other people who attend the church.
You will find information on our Regular Weekly Meetings page.
Or view our Welcome Booklet.
When is it best to arrive?
If you are arriving by car, there is limited parking at the rear and side of the church though you can park on most of the surrounding streets.
If you need directions, you can find them on our Visit Us page, where you can also find information about Public Transport.
If it’s your first visit, then it is probably best if you can arrive about 15 minutes before the start of the meeting. That provides ample time to orient yourself. If you indicate that it is your first visit, we have a small information pack to help you.
Sit anywhere you like, but if the meeting is particularly full, a steward will find a seat for you. You can rest assured that no one will do or say anything to embarrass you.
Our aim is to make everyone as welcome and comfortable as we can and stewards are on hand who will do all they can to help if you experience any difficulties.
Outside the church there are a number of disabled parking bays close to the entrance. Alongside the steps up to the front door there is a gentle ramp, equipped with handrails and doorways are wide enough for any kind of wheelchair.
Inside the church we have easily accessible disabled toilet facilities and in the main auditorium we have a loop system for the benefit of those who have suitable hearing aid equipment.