Regular Weekly Meetings

If you are visiting us for the first time, please see our Visitors' Page for information about what you can expect.

If you would like to know more about any of our meetings, then please ask anyone in the church, who will direct you to the most appropriate person.

If you are unable to visit the church then there are other ways to contact us.


Worship Services - 11:00am and 6:00pm

After the Sunday Morning Meeting

Our main Sunday Services are:

  • Morning - 11:00 am
  • Evening - 6:00 pm

The morning service specifically caters for the whole family and everyone is welcome, regardless of age. We start with a time of corporate worship, after which the children leave the main service to attend their own groups, whilst the main congregation remain for the sermon.

For those with very young children there is a crèche facility available.

Evening services are currently held:

  • Second Sunday of each month is a Communion Service
  • Fourth Sunday of each month is a Prayer Time

See details of Speakers for Sunday Services

Read more about the Communion Service

Getting to Know You

Getting to know you better
After each meeting, if you have to get away promptly that's just fine. If you have a few minutes to spare, however, you won't find a warmer or friendlier group of people anywhere. This is especially the case after our Sunday morning service when most people stay behind to enjoy light refreshments together.

It's a great time to make new friends and to cement older friendships.


Toddler Group - 10:00am

During term time, we have a Toddler Group that meets in the church at 10:00am.

This is a happy social occasion to which parents, grand parents and very young children are all welcome.

Read more information about the Toddler Group


Ladies Meeting - 1:45pm (alternate weeks)

The ladies meet on alternate Wednesdays at 1:45pm in the afternoon, with a break in summer. The format is a devotional time, usually with a visiting speaker.

If you plan to come along, it would be wise to consult the weekly notice sheet to check exactly when the ladies are meeting.

See details of Speakers and Topics


Coffee Morning - 10:00am - 12:00pm
on the First Friday of each month

The Coffee Morning is part of the church's ministry to the people of Bryn.

We are open most months (except August) serving drinks and snacks. Everyone is welcome and we particularly like to meet those living in the local area who don't yet know us.

This is a not-for-profit undertaking and, when overheads are covered, any surplus proceeds are donated to a local charity.


Men's Meeting - 8:00am

Saturday morning is when the men gather in prayer to uphold the people and work of the church.

Prayer Meeting

Prayer Meetings are held on the second Sunday evening of each month as well as in house groups, each meeting on a different time and day of the week so that everyone can attend at a time and place that best suits them.

Our aim is to involve everyone in praying for the work of God locally and further afield.

Meetings may be an open time of prayer or may focus on particular aspects of the work of God, though people are always welcome to pray for any matters that God's Spirit lays on their hearts.

We consider these meetings to be of vital importance to the spiritual well-being of the church as a whole and the individual believers who worship and serve in this place.

Details of scheduled meetings are published in the weekly notice sheet.

Bible Study

Bible Studies are conducted at various times and locations, sometimes in house groups and sometimes in the schoolroom.

Our aim in these studies is to encourage everyone to learn more about the scriptures so that, by putting what they learn into practice, they will grow and mature in God.

Details of scheduled meetings are published here on the website and in the weekly notice sheet.

Covenant Service

John Wesley

Methodist churches have held "Covenant" services ever since John Wesley held the first such service in 1755. It was his desire that members of the Methodist movement should have opportunity to renew their vows before God on an annual basis.

The service is normally held on the first Sunday of the year and therefore in some respects it has similarities with New Year Resolutions. However, the similarities are only superficial because in this case the "resolution" is to follow God throughout the coming year - whatever He has for us to do and wherever He wants us to be.

Typical of the "traditional" words used to call the congregation to their declaration are:

...Christ has many services to be done. Some are easy, others are difficult. Some bring honour, others bring reproach. Some are suitable to our natural inclinations and temporal interests, others are contrary to both... Yet the power to do all these things is given to us in Christ, who strengthens us.

This is followed by the "traditional" Covenant Prayer itself, which is recited by all those present who choose to renew their commitment before God:

"I am no longer my own, but yours.
Put me to what you will, rank me with whom you will;
put me to doing, put me to suffering;
let me be employed for you or laid aside for you,
exalted for you or brought low for you;
let me be full, let me be empty,
let me have all things, let me have nothing;
I freely and wholeheartedly yield all things to your pleasure and disposal.

And now, glorious and blessed God,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are mine and I am yours.
So be it.

And the covenant now made on earth, let it be ratified in heaven."

The words are often varied as the language is updated from time to time.

We invite all the dear folk who attend our church, and any other friends who have a similar desire, to join with us at our regular service on the first Sunday of the year to re-dedicate themselves to the God who loved us enough for His Son to die for us.