Church Membership
Privileges and Responsibilities
Church Members' Meetings
In accordance with the church constitution, ultimate responsibility under God for the conduct and practice of the local church rests with the whole membership who meet every couple of months to prayerfully consider matters affecting the church and to seek God's guidance on such matters.
Although anyone who regularly attends the church may be present at members' meetings, only those who are in formal membership can participate in decision-making.
- All members are encouraged to attend and actively participate in members' meetings.
- Any member may raise items for consideration at members' meetings. The church secretary should be informed beforehand in sufficient time for the matter to be included on the meeting agenda. If the issue is likely to affect the spiritual life of the church, then the matter should first be referred to the church leaders for consideration.
Office Bearers
We welcome the contribution and service of everyone who attends our church. However, certain offices may only be filled by those who have been formally welcomed into church membership and who are in regular fellowship.
- All Managing Trustees must be church members. These include all who have been appointed by the church to be Church Leaders, Secretary or Treasurer.
- All who are appointed to a sole office (i.e. offices in which there is no supporting team) must be church members
- All who lead teams should be church members and be in regular fellowship. Those who serve on teams must be in regular fellowship, although they may not be in formal membership.
Recruitment to teams is primarily at the discretion of the team leaders. If there are any doubts or issues regarding an appointment, they should be referred to the church leaders for guidance.
Proposed changes to team leaders must be brought to the members' meeting for approval and each team leader should inform the annual members' meeting about any changes to their teams over the year.