Toddler Group

We are open to all parents, grandparents, carers or guardians with children from birth up to 4 years old.
We meet during school term time throughout the year on:
- Tuesday Morning - 10.00am to 11.30 noon
Each of the sessions includes a large element of free play, using a wide range of toys and activities that we have available. There's toast and juice for the children, whilst parents are served with their own refreshments.
There is a craft activity each week that involves parents and children working together and at the end of each session we have a time for songs and sometimes a brief story.

It's still £1.50 and 50p for each additional child and an optional 50p for any extra adults. This helps to defray the cost of refreshments whilst not excluding anyone.
We like to keep the time we spend together as relaxed and informal as we can. We have a small but dedicated team who provide a friendly, caring environment for all who come along. We make every effort to welcome newcomers so that they quickly feel at home.
If you would like to join the group, please turn up at one of the meetings. Sadly there is sometimes a waiting list but if we cannot accommodate you and your child straight away, it is usually not long before we have a place.