Privilege of Prayer

Most people are familiar with the model prayer that Jesus taught His disciples, which begins with
“Our Father, who is in heaven …â€.
Jesus didn’t tell them to repeat it verbatim. Neither did He tell them not to. In fact people in the bible often prayed extemporaneously; meaning that they expressed whatever thought came to mind – just as we do in ordinary conversation.
There are other examples in the bible of prayers composed by other people. The book of Psalms is a prime example of prayers that could be spoken or sung.
We encourage people to use whichever form of prayer helps them best express their thoughts to God.
We can use extemporaneous prayer to share our deepest thoughts with God, but sometimes it's helpful to use the prayers of others who have been through similar experiences to express our feelings.
Based on our own Statement of Faith, Vision Statement and circumstances, we have Crafted a Prayer that is tailored for use by individuals and by the church congregation on appropriate occasions.
We have reproduced below an early Celtic form of prayer found in Bath Abbey. It is called a Caim – meaning an encircling prayer:
Preparing yourself for God’s presence
Circle me, O God, encircle me with your presence:- Keep joy within, keep bitterness out;
- Keep generosity within, keep greed out;
- Keep love within, keep self-seeking out;
- Keep light within, keep darkness out.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Prayer for someone who is on your heart
Circle (Name), O God, encircle them with your presence- Keep wholeness within, keep sickness out;
- Keep hope within, keep despair out;
- Keep peace within, keep turmoil out;
- Keep light within, keep darkness out.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Prayer for Peacemakers
- Keep wisdom within, keep folly out;
- Keep strength within, keep weariness out;
- Keep hope within, keep despair out;
- Keep light within, keep darkness out.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Prayer for victims of injustice and violence
- Keep truth within, keep falsehood out;
- Keep compassion within, keep hard-heartedness out;
- Keep love within, keep hatred out;
- Keep light within, keep darkness out.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.